14 responses

  1. Voyager
    July 2, 2016

    What a lovely, picturesque place. The views are something to die for. You are right it is a dangerous place, the danger is if you go there, you may forget your home and never want to go back.


  2. Stella @ Travelerette
    May 1, 2016

    I am dying to explore Italy, and I definitely want to see Cinque Terre when I am there. I’ve only been to Rome. That Billy’s restaurant sounds amazing. A 12 course seafood meal is my idea of heaven.


  3. Taylor
    April 28, 2016

    I’m seriously dying to go here, the pictures alone are beautiful! I can just imagine how breath taking it would be in person.


  4. Naomi
    April 28, 2016

    What a funny story that you’re screen saver made you go to Cinque Terra. In that case, I have to go to Arizona statt! Lovely pictures and I can imagine it was your favorite place. Italy is just the best and those little villages are just stealing your heart


  5. Yilin Wang
    April 28, 2016

    I would to visit Cinque Terre. It looks so amazingly beautiful, especially the colorful buildings and cobbled streets. I would love to try the food there too. Thanks for sharing!


  6. Anita
    April 28, 2016

    Thanks for sharing. I am going there in few weeks. I am really looking forward to it. Your tips are helpful. Happy travels.


  7. Courtney Jones
    April 28, 2016

    I want to go here soooooo bad! It’s literally the place I want to go the most, but logistics mean it keeps dropping down my list (sadly!)

    Great article with solid info!


  8. Rebecca Huxley
    April 28, 2016

    I love that this was your screensaver and it’s ended up being your favourite place! I did Venice, Florence and Rome but am sad I missed this out! It seems very traditionally Italian and pretty! (:


  9. Stephanie
    April 27, 2016

    Oh my goodness, thanks for sharing this info. I know very little about Cinque Terre, except it is on my bucket list!! Glad to hear there are affordable accommodations and places left untouched by tourists. I hope to make it there one day. I think 2017 is the year of the I’s. Italy, Iceland…maybe more Ireland? Ibiza. Haha


  10. Kristina Manente
    April 27, 2016

    That’s so cute how you found this place! From a screensaver! Makes me wonder if that’s happened to any other people, anywho, so glad you got there and loved it so much!


    • snaphappytravel
      April 27, 2016

      For years it was and I was convinced it was in Greece somewhere until Paul pointed out exactly where it was and then finding the great accommodation in the town to it was perfect.
      Thanks for reading.


  11. Monica is The Wanderlusteur
    April 27, 2016

    I’ve been to a few places in Italy (Capri, Pisa, Florence, Rome, Naples) but missed Cinque Terre – will definitely add it to the bucket list!



    • snaphappytravel
      April 27, 2016

      Glad to hear its on there, it lives up to the rest of Italy’s charm and beauty for sure.


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