Checklist for International Travel – You Need to Have This

Last Updated on September 23, 2021 by snaphappytravel

Ready to travel overseas? Prepare for your trip in advance and take the time to put together a comprehensive international travel checklist. This list will help make sure that you don’t forget anything when packing, and it will also ensure that you have everything ready before embarking on your journey. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

In this blog post I’ve listed the most essential items for your international travel checklist so that you can feel confident about what you need before leaving home.

Woman Walking on Pathway While Strolling Luggage
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Your Passport

This is one of the most important documents to bring with you on your travels. Before leaving, make sure that it has not expired and leave a copy at home in case it gets lost or stolen. 

Since every country may have different requirements for entry, be careful about how many stamps are left inside; these might affect its validity! Remember also which countries require visas (and, if necessary, apply). 

person pointing a location on the map
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Authorisation Documents 

To verify your identity when needed, such as at a border crossing, you need your passport (if you have one, and a valid driver’s license or other official photo ID card. You also need a list of all the countries that you’ve visited in the past ten years. This can be used to prove both where and when you were last abroad. 

It is also good if someone asks why you want to go somewhere specific: it goes back to “Just ask” above. You’ll need these for visas and permits so that they may require proof of: dates of travel outside a specific country over the previous 24 months and the purpose of each trip including details about who was with you on your travels, specifically any organisations involved with criminal activity, terrorism or organised crime 

Your authorisation documents should include some form of identification and a letter from your employer if you have one. You’ll need this documentation to obtain entry visas or travel permits in the countries on your itinerary. 

Besides, you should ensure you keep up to date with the latest travelling information and documents to avoid travelling issues. If you are travelling to Europe, you can keep up with the latest travel information by clicking here

Money (Debit or Credit Cards)

This is an essential thing to have. If you are travelling, you should bring money to pay for things like food and hostel fees. Also, if something happens, having cash on hand will be your best bet against getting ripped off by the people who are supposed to help you.

Carrying money in your wallet is always a good idea. If you do not, some severe problems will arise when trying to purchase things or getting into clubs and bars. Credit cards sometimes attract more attention than debit cards because of the limits involved with credit versus cash withdrawal/purchase limits on bank accounts (and perhaps one has to sign for it). Carrying both might make sense depending on what type of trip you are taking.

content couple using ticket machine in underground
Photo by Samson Katt on


This can be prescription or over the counter medication. Be sure to make copies of your prescriptions and keep them in your luggage, and bring enough for the duration of your trip, even if you are running low on supplies at home. 

If you have any allergies that require specific treatment, then bring this with you too. It is always better to be safe than sorry! If certain medications cannot go through customs either due to laws or regulations, please carry a letter from the doctor explaining why it’s needed to understand what medical condition needs attention/treatment. 

This will help you avoid unnecessary delays upon arrival into another country where officials may not have access to an international drug database. You should also pack all necessary items in your carry-on luggage in case you lose your checked baggage.

Carrying your medication on international trips is a big part of your preparation. Make sure to carry them in their original packaging and label them with the contents, dosage directions and name of the person taking them. Don’t forget this includes having extra doses for unexpected delays.

Electronics and Their Chargers

Carrying your electronics is critical to stay in touch with the world when you are on holiday, but it’s of no use if you don’t have the needed chargers. So, make sure that you get all the necessary equipment for charging your devices while abroad before your departure date.

Self-Defence Equipment

This equipment can include pepper spray, a Taser or even mace. If you are travelling in a hazardous and potentially violent area, it might be best to take such precautions. Your safety should always come first when traveling. 

In conclusion, you must maintain a list of essentials to bring while travelling abroad. This should include your passport, authorisation documents, debit or credit cards, medications and toiletries. You may also want specific equipment for self-defence purposes depending on the type of travel you are doing.

Thanks for reading my blog, Aimee x

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