How to make the most of your travel adventures

bobs cove, queenstown

Last Updated on December 21, 2018 by snaphappytravel

Choosing to travel is the best decision you’ll ever make, whether you opt for short-term expeditions, or take the expat route, and go for something long-term. You will get to see more of the world, experience new cultures, and discover more about yourself in the process.

Too many of us take the safe route, only sticking to ‘touristy’ things to do and not stepping out of our comfort zone. Our experiences can be muted because we don’t fully explore the possibilities that are open to us. So, if you want to make the most of your travel adventures, there are a few things you need to do.

Choose places you have never been to before

Sure, you could visit those places that you have frequented a hundred times before, but why? You might answer ‘familiarity,’ and that’s fine. You may not want to risk visiting somewhere new in case you hate it, but you will never know unless you try. And we aren’t just talking about new towns, cities, and countries, you should also try alternative accommodation ideas and eat in diners and restaurants that you have never been to before. It’s about discovering new experiences, and breaking out of personal traditions and routines as you might discover something awesome in the process.

Stop hurrying around

Yes, there will be lots of things you want to do and places you want to visit! So, the temptation might be to cram too much into your itinerary . And that’s okay, but let’s face it, you aren’t going to get the full travel experience if you are constantly rushing around trying to experience it all. Take your time. When embarking on long-term trip especially, stay in one place for a longer duration, opting for a studio apartment for rent, so you have the time to fully explore your surroundings. Cut down your itinerary by focussing on those things that are a priority to you. Take time to enjoy the experiences, instead of viewing them as things that need to be ticked off your checklist before rushing off to the next thing.

Put down your phone

Okay, so you might want to Facebook and Instagram photos of the places you visit. And, that’s fine, to an extent but the more time you spend taking photos of everything, the less time you will have to enjoy the amazing things you are seeing with your own eyes. Try to limit the amount of time you spend on your phone each day. Fight that addiction to social media! Don’t just look at that amazing view and see it as simply another stunning photo for your Instagram account. Instead, take the time to be fully present in the moment not spending ages setting up the perfect photo. It’s about engaging yourself, and while photos do trigger memories, you don’t want those memories to be about you endlessly fiddling with photo filters and trying to come up with witty captions for your friends.

Meet the locals

Try to learn the language of the place you are visiting or at the very least, try to pick up a few words and phrases. To fully make the most of your experience, the ability to communicate with locals is really important. Not only will they be able to help you find the nearest toilet, but they will be able to share their culture with you, answer any questions burning inside you, and point you to the best places only locals know about. By talking to the locals, you will get a better sense of the place you are visiting, and you may then be able to better immerse yourself into the area you are staying. Here are some suggestions on how  to meet local people in the places you visit, but to be honest, the best thing you can do is smile when you’re out and about and say ‘hello.’

Something to keep in mind: here are some things that may be considered rude in other countries. F

Travelling is good for the mind and soul, but not when you’re hurrying around, staring at your phone, and cowering away from trying new things! To make the most of your travels, consider the suggestions I’ve made above, and try to spend more time ‘in the moment’ when you’re away.

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